‘It’s not the right time’.
‘I’d need to run this past…’
‘It’s food for thought.’
These are familiar responses to anyone who has pitched an idea to management. If you’re finding them triggering, I apologise, but hang in there: there’s light at the end of this tunnel.
Preparing a presentation for C-suite takes effort. The few minutes you have to present it are hardly reflective of the time and effort that’s gone into it. To have it summarily dismissed can be demoralising and – if it actually has merit – cost the organisation. So why is the answer so often ‘no’?
Yes, it does seem that the job of C-suite is to not spend any money. But the fault isn’t always theirs. Pitching to management is a very particular task, and it has to be done right.
There are two main ingredients to a successful pitch: soft skills and data. Let’s dive into each.
Minutes. That’s all you have to convince management of the merits of your project you’ve spent days putting together. Maybe you have half an hour booked – plan to speak for no more than ten minutes. Guaranteed, management will cut into your time with questions and discussion, so get your points across right away. Here are some key presentation skills you need to adopt:
Rejection isn’t always because the project doesn’t have merit. Often, it’s simply because you can’t access the data you need that will convince C-suite that it’s worthwhile. Effective pitching involves the right mixture of soft skills and cold, objective figures.
Dashboards like ProcureTRAK’s Project Charters clearly lay out the information that management is most concerned with. At a glance, they’ll see:
This dashboard also gives another crucial piece of information. A lot of the time, the answer isn’t quite ‘no’, but ‘I’ll have to consult…’ or ‘let me think about it’. To combat the stalling, Project Charters gives a dollar amount of lost savings for every day the project is delayed. This is precisely the information and motivation C-suite needs to see the merit in your idea.
With our long history in procurement consultancy, we know exactly what management wants and needs to know in order for a project to be considered. Take advantage of our knowledge and experience and get the skills necessary to take your pitching to the required level.
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