Tag: procurement

Trust me I am in procurement

What role does trust play in Procurement? See how Procurement teams manage trust using Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technology

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“Let us welcome our newest chatbot to the team!”

Author: Ben Shute

See how chatbots improve procurement capabilities by utilising existing data and channel them through Artificial Intelligence algorithms to give accurate insights in a more personalised form.

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Does data give your day a va-va-va voom?

Author: Ben Shute

Data will enable suppliers to manage their customers better; and, data will enable procurement to manage suppliers better. Detailed analytics will allow teams to track best and worst performers and adjust the supply chain accordingly quickly.

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Procurement Skills for the Future: Predict the Future with Predictive Analysis

Author: Ben Shute

Data is the new oil, but how will it fuel procurement in the future? One way is for data to predict the future. Currently, the focus of data analysis is to examine the past. Spend analysis and management involve processing and analysing data to decrease procurement costs, improve efficiency and monitor compliance.

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Are you ready for Big Data in Procurement?

Big Data is “in”, it is the buzzword of the decade as businesses and organisations in-general become more and more data driven. Yet, what is big data? How does it differ from traditional data and data analysis? Most importantly, are you ready for big data’s encroachment into procurement?

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